• Glowing health and wealth, while aiding creation in the heart of Victoria.

  • De-stress with our beloved rescued farm animals & cow cuddling therapy.

  • Balanced body & Balanced mind with community Yoga classes run across Victoria.

“It is the responsibility of every human being to protect & provide for those weaker than them.”

~ Ashwini Guru Ji

De-stress, heal, purify and grow with us!

Karma Stories is a not-for-profit based in the heart of Victoria. A haven for rescued, injured and old farm animals.

Also offering free community yoga classes across victoria for a balanced body and balanced mind with Sanatan Kriya Yoga.

An offshoot of the internationally acclaimed organisation: Dhyan Foundation, Karma stories is committed to reducing the pain and suffering of beings along with teaching advanced yogic techniques for health & wellness.

Our Sanctuary

Yoga, Health & Wellness

Vedic Yagya

Mother Ganga & Shivling

Animal Rescues

Vedic Desi Cows


Our Energy & Inspiration

"Selfless service performed for others gives returns multifold and pain inflicted on others also comes back manifold.”

Our Inspiration, Ashwini Guru Ji, is an adept in the ancient spiritual sciences of Yoga, Tantra, Clairvoyance, Spiritual Healing and Vedic Martial Arts. Following the Guru-Shishya Parampara, Guru Ji has held the hand of every seeker who has come to him and carried them through the journey of yog - free of cost, because Yog is a sadhana and not a business, and Karma forms the basis for it.

Delve into Ashtang Yoga & Sanatan Kriya

We practice and propagate yoga in its pristine form, as was taught by Vedic seers 4500 years ago - without any adulteration.

Yoga must not have a fee attached to it, for associating it with commerce makes the science redundant. A glowing body & mind, radiant persona and healthy being are mere by-products as one progresses on the path of Yoga.

  • In yog sadhana, the Guru is considered Supreme with unending and expansive glory. As the path of yog is one of experience and not of the intellect, it requires a force - a guiding light to take you through those experiences.

  • Sanatan Kriya encapsulates in its entirety, all the eight limbs of the 4500-year-old Ashtang Yog. It addresses the whole body, affecting all layers of a being and helps you achieve a state of balance where you exude health, beauty, glow and radiance.

  • Our highly experienced instructors are conducting free yoga workshops across Australia. We conduct weekly sessions in Melville Forest and Melbourne venturing into the science of yoga and aiding people to begin their karmic journey.

Purify and cleanse your homes, body and environment.

A Vedic Yagya is a means of direct interaction with departed souls, other-worldly and divine forces in creation. It is the basis of the Vedic Shastras. The practice involves making oblations to fire along with chanting Vedic mantras.

After a yagya is performed, there is stillness within and outside indicating a positive change in the environment. It helps ward off negativity, brings peace of mind and harmony in relationships and the environment around.

Vedic Yagyas in vedic-designed Havan Kunds using govar and ghrit (ghee) from Desi Vedic Cows.

Vedic Desi Cows

The Karma Stories sanctuary is home to numerous rescued Desi (Brahman) Cows & Nandis.

Service to the cow - saving it, nurturing it & protecting its calf has the effect of generating positive frequencies which can then negate imbalances in the body & environment, or even uplift the soul.

We also conduct Gau Pooja for propitiating ancestors for ridding of Pitra Dosh .

Cuddling a cow has been scientifically proven to be stress-relieving. It releases the happy hormone Oxytocin, creating feelings of love & fulfilment - fostering overall wellbeing.

Mother Ganga flows and Bhagwaan Shiv resides at our Sanctuary.

Purify & cleanse yourself by taking a dip in the Holy water!

Melodious, fortunate, eternally pure… Mother Ganga, that first finds mention in the Rig Veda has been called this and more. She may start from the glaciers in the Himalayas but today she has found its way down under. Five thousand miles away from India, in the lush Melville Forest in the heart of Australia, Ganga Ji resides.

Meet Our 70+ Rescues