Vedic Desi Cows


Our Sanctuary is home to numerous Vedic Desi Cows


The Brahman cow is a traditional vedic breed that holds a lot of importance in today's date. Brahman " The Sacred Cow". Brahman is the name for 'Supreme Spirit', the one true God as per our ancient vedic texts. It describes the life force present in all living things and encompasses all things male, female and animal. The Brahman, Bos indicus, originated in India more than 4,000 years ago.

Apart from the emotional and psychological aids of being around this divine being, its milk is high in Vitamin D as it processes sun's rays through its hump which is then absorbed in the milk with the hump being unique only in vedic breeds. 

In addition to this A2 milk also helps sustain optimal blood pressure, improves eyesight repair, strengthens the bones and contributes to overall wellbeing. 

No Yagya without Desi Cow

Some key ingredients to perform a yagya are Upla (dung cakes), ghee (clarified butter). These ingredients should be obtained in the purest form implying the calf should be given its share of milk, only then the blessings of the mother would flow. The wrong ingredients can create a negative effect. Yagyas can't be performed under the absence of desi cows and that is the reason cow has been revered and given such importance in our Vedic culture

Cow Cuddling Therapy


Vedic Yagya


Mother Ganga & Bhagwaan Shiv